Amy Cook

In this plus level, learners will master ever increasingly difficult concepts for time relations, which will take them beyond the simple past, present and future ideas. For example, learners will encounter language for giving a background to a past event (The driver was driving too fast.) and for describing an action that happened at a time that isn’t specified. Multiverb, …


Amy Cook

In this plus level, few totally new grammar structures are introduced, but the complexity of the sentences ramps up quickly with a very high number of multiclause sentences using adverb or noun clauses. Past time relations are a key focus hereā€”for example, events that happened simultaneously or one then the other or started in the past and continued to the …


Amy Cook

The complexity of the ideas and structures increases greatly in this level, especially in the communication of nuances that use structures slightly more complex than what was taught before. For example, in the lower levels, learners saw that things can increase or decrease. In this level, they increase ‘dramatically’ or ‘steadily’ or ‘linearly’. Instead of saying that they didn’t change, …