CATEGORY: Group 001

Google Sites: An Intro to Creating, Adding Content, Managing Settings, and More

Course Access: Lifetime
Course Overview

Have you wished you could have your own class or personal website, but thought you just didn’t have the technical expertise to build it? Or maybe you already have a website, but it is outdated or difficult to update. Have you wished you could have your own class or personal website, but thought you just didn’t have the technical expertise to build it? Or maybe you already have a website, but it is outdated or difficult to update. Google Sites makes it easy to create a class website that you can use to share info and assignments with students, parents, and colleagues. Join Jerry Swiatek as he shows how you can use the revamped tools and features of Google Sites to create a robust, informative website. He will show how to create a site from scratch or using one of the templates. In addition, he will explain how to edit, add text, insert pictures, include gadgets, embed other Google items, revert to previous versions, and more. Jerry will also share how to manage site settings, as well as how to share with collaborators and publish the site.